Top Secret from Sham

black-tortie-white harlekin, trägt Cinnamon

Selkirk Rex Straight






Int.Ch. Jim Bob von Steffinas Garden

cinnamon-white harlequin

Cyrano de Bergerag van de Katse Duinen

BRI, black-white

Bagoas Eric Clapton
BRI, cinnamon

Felidae`s Chakotay

BRI, c (cin)

Morgaine`s Karin

BRI, lilac (cin)

Terra van de Katse Duinen
BRI, black-tortie-white


Rivium`s Charlatan

BRI, cream-white

Jebra Nicol`s Baywatch Baba,

Exotic, black-tortie-white

Quintesence vom Grutholz

BRI, chocolate-white

Good Investion Dandy
BRI, lilac-white

Bobby v. Fueberg, BRI, chocolate

Int. Ch. Hanni v. Wittgenstein

BRI, blue-white


Australian Destiny

Exotic, cinnamon



Australian Chocolate Crisp
Perser, chocolate self

Australian Boomerang
Exotic, chocolate self


CH. Sheeplet Tootie Fruitie


CH. Sheeplet Champagne on Ice

Selkirk Rex , SH




GC, BW Sheeplet Lamb Chop

white, Copper- Eyed, Selkirk Rex, SH


Sheeplet Ice Man

white, Selkirk Rex, SH

Sheeplet Cupcake

Selkirk Rex, SH

CH. Belnute Missouri`s Miss Bess

dilute calico, BRI

GC. Belnute Harry S.T. of Mabuhay

cream-mc-tabby-white, BRI

CH. Elusive Blue Grace/Glory of Belnute

blue-white , BRI

Sheeplet Witchie Woman

Selkirk Rex, LH



CH. Sotakats Lord Calvert

BRI, blue





Damsyb Milord Buckingham of Lyati

BRI, blue

Nlder Hopefurkurls of Sotakats

BRI, blue-cream

La Purrfect Oreo Cookie

black, Selkirk Rex LH


CH. La Purrfect El Zorro The Great

black, Selkirk Rex LH


La Purrfect Calico Dream

calico, Selkirk Rex, SH